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The name “Liquid Gold” describes much more than this dressing’s color. Just two tablespoons (30 ml) provides half of your day’s supply of omega-3 fatty acids—along with 40 percent of vitamin B12 for the day when made with Red Star Vegetarian Support Formula nutritional yeast. And it’s delicious on salads, baked potatoes, rice, steamed broccoli and other veggies. To make the ground flaxseeds, place 1 cup of seeds into a dry blender and process for 30 seconds or until the seeds are pulverized. Put in a jar with a tight fitting lid and keep in the freezer.


Makes 1 3/4 cups

1/2-cup Flaxseed oil
1/2-cup Water
1/3 cup Lemon Juice
1/4-cup Tamari or Soy Sauce
1/4-cup Nutritional yeast
2 tbsp. Apple Cider or balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp. Ground Golden or brown flaxseeds
2 tsp. Dijon Mustard
1 tsp. Ground Cumin

Put flaxseed oil, water, lemon juice, tamari, nutritional yeast, vinegar, ground flaxseed, mustard, and cumin in a blender and blend until smooth. This dressing can be refrigerated for two weeks (store in a jar with a tight fitting lid).